Product Sourcing

Our sourcing team of qualified managers and merchandisers are always looking out for new and useful items for our valued clients.

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Quality Control

All shipments to our clients are thoroughly inspected by our well trained inspectors, to ensure that our clients have no issues in regard to the receipt of faulty Merchandise.

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Product Testing

We can recommend product testing with approved test houses. Or we can work with your choice of test house and carry out in house testing on your behalf.

Factory Visits

There are millions of factories in China and Asian Countries. We only select those who are reliable, compliant and have passion to do the business.

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We ensure that your orders are delivered to the right place, on time and in the most cost effective manner.

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Asian Dragon News

We have extended our warehouse and added new machinery to our Packing factory in Yiwu in China to improve our one stop shop facility.

We are very pleased to announce we are moving to bigger and better premises in Hong Kong where we will have bigger offices and more showrooms space.


Polytime International and Asian Dragon Global Limited can source a vast range of different products on your behalf from clothes pegs to golf buggies.